BLUE BLACK Henna, Herbul (Индийская хна СИНЕ-ЧЕРНАЯ, Хербул), 1 уп. (6 пак. по 10 г.)

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2 or more 300 rubles
20 or more 280 rubles
50 or more 270 rubles
100 or more 250 rubles
300 or more 230 rubles
500 or more 200 rubles
1000 or more 180 rubles


You can buy BLUE BLACK Henna, Herbul (Indian henna BLUE-BLACK, Herbul) from us, 1 unitary enterprise. (6 packs. 10 g. Each) at a low price, with delivery throughout Russia.



Useful properties of Indian henna for hair «Herbul»

Henna for hair «Herbul» is a natural organic dye, which also has the following effects:
— fortifying. Henna nourishes the hair follicles, thereby strengthening the hair roots and preventing hair loss. In addition, henna color pigments coat the hair with a film along its entire length, making it more durable and elastic. Thus, the hair becomes healthier, the number of falling out and split ends is sharply reduced.
— cosmetic. After using henna, the hair takes on a new color and bright healthy shine. Also, after dyeing with henna, the hair becomes noticeably coarser, stronger, and gains additional volume.
— Henna effectively fights seborrhea (dandruff). Already after the first application, the scalp becomes much cleaner, the amount of dandruff and fat secreted by the sebaceous glands of the scalp is significantly reduced.
— Another beneficial property of henna for hair is that it stimulates and accelerates hair growth. Pay attention to the amount of «undercoat» — short hairs that grow to replace the existing ones. After the second time using henna, it will become much longer and thicker.

Application of henna for hair «Herbul»

Any shade of henna must be diluted with hot water (not boiling water, about 90 degrees) before use. The package contains 6 sachets of henna (sachet), which can be divided into 2-3 colors, depending on the thickness of the hair. It is better to first dilute 2 bags to a creamy state and visually determine whether the resulting amount of substance is enough for your hair. Add henna and water if necessary.

After the mixture has cooled to a comfortable temperature, it is necessary to slightly moisten the hair (using a spray bottle) for easier application of the mixture. As with all other dyes, henna is first applied to the root part of the hair, then to the ends, and then to the roots of the hair at the temples and on the forehead. The duration of action of henna varies depending on your purpose and desired color and can be from 30 minutes to 7 hours (when henna is left overnight). The darker the desired color, the longer the exposure time should be. If the dyeing time is more than 2 hours, then the henna on the hair should be slightly moistened with hot water to keep the henna moist. After wetting, the cap must be screwed back until the henna dries again or until the hair needs to be washed off.

Hair can only be washed off with water or natural shampoo that does not contain soap. You need to wash your hair until the water is completely clean and henna particles do not come across in the hair. After that, the hair can be rinsed with water and lemon (based on the juice of one lemon per liter of clean water), dried and styled in the usual way. When staining areas of the skin on the forehead, ears or temples with henna, you can neutralize the paint with pure lemon juice applied to a cotton sponge.

After the first application, the Indian henna for hair “Herbul” will have a powerful regenerating and strengthening effect. The shining shine your hair will «tell» about this!

Macca netto 60 g (6 pieces 10g each)

* We try to provide only up-to-date product information. But sometimes updates can be delayed. Packaging design may differ from that presented on the website.
** not a drug


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