
ARJUNA Cardiac Wellness, Himalaya (АРДЖУНА, Сердечный тоник, Хималая), 60 таб. — НАРУШЕНА МЕМБРАНА

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Here you can buy ARJUNA Cardiac Wellness, Himalaya (ARJUNA, Heart tonic, Himalaya), 60 tab. — THE MEMBRANE IS BROKEN at a low price, with delivery throughout Russia.

360.00 255.00



Арджуна — препарат, который способен лечить широкий спектр сердечных заболеваний. Способствует нормализации сердечного ритма, эффективен при различных аномалиях сердечно-сосудистой системы, а также придаёт сил для работы всех органов. Стимулирует кровообращение, способствует регенерации тканей, повышает качество крови, останавливает кровотечения. Способен уравновешивать все три доши.

This remedy helps to restore heart health after a heart attack, stroke, as it significantly strengthens the heart muscle and vascular walls, as a result of which the likelihood of further problems with the cardiovascular system is greatly reduced. It relieves the condition with bronchopulmonary diseases, chronic cough, as it is an excellent antiseptic. Minimizes the effect of stress on the cardiovascular system, which is so important in heart disease. The drug is also recommended to be used for insomnia, headaches, anemia, decreased concentration.

The drug shows excellent results in heart failure and other heart diseases, which are very dangerous for their unpredictability. Facilitates the patency of arteries, helps to eliminate atherosclerotic plaques, normalizes cholesterol levels, and normalizes blood pressure.

One of the pleasant side effects of the Drug Exposure will be the ability to lead a more active life, think faster and absorb new information.

The remedy has a very good effect in the complex treatment of heart diseases. Take Arjuna regularly for vascular problems, and they will definitely respond with gratitude in the form of a significant improvement in well-being.


Balancing doshas, ​​cardiovascular dysfunctions, headaches, ischemic disease, problems with coronary and cerebral vessels, diarrhea, dysentery, malabsorption syndrome, liver disease, anemia, decreased concentration, angina pectoris, heart failure.


Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna). The plant, which is used in Indian medicine as a powerful herbal heart tonic and aphrodisiac, belongs to the Rasayanas. It has a strong antioxidant effect on the cardiovascular system. Effectively normalizes the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, maintains normal blood pressure, strengthens cell membranes, preventing the malfunctioning of the heart. Normalizes the function of platelets and promotes the healing of the heart muscle, normalizes the correct heart rhythm. In addition, it also provides better oxygen saturation of the lungs, which has a beneficial effect on headaches, ischemic disease, circulatory disorders in the coronary (cardiac) and cerebral (cerebral) vessels. It is also used for bleeding, diarrhea, liver disease, malabsorption.


1 tablet 2 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The drug is recommended to be taken as directed and under the supervision of a specialist.


Individual intolerance and childhood.


Each tablet contains: Arjuna (extract) (Terminalia arjuna) — 250 mg.

* We try to provide only up-to-date product information. But sometimes updates can be delayed. Packaging design may differ from that presented on the website.
** not a drug


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